Page 15

 If you read all the previous pages then you know I don't have a lawyer, court was to start at 1:15pm but it closer to 1:30 the doors opened.

I had arranged for the children's lawyer to speak with the children on the weekend of March 25th when i had access, she didn't show.  The children's lawyer stated out that I had sent her some materials but she was unable to speak with the children in this matter - she was denied access (by the mother) to speak with the children to confirm or discuss the materials I sent.

Ok , since i don't have the children the judge know's it's the mother who's denying the children access to their lawyer. Who is CLERC protecting leaving it kind of up in the air. I can't begin to tell you how high they would have hung me if I had ever denied or even hindered the children's lawyer access to her clients.

My turn up in front of the judge, my position is that since December there is evidence of abuse, access denial and parental alienation. I am organized with an agenda and copies of materials

This site needs more images so today i will add a few - so you see what i see , Like this one where my daughter text's me that her mother is scaring her - to come get her, this is a safety plan I spent $1000s of dollars on - call for help - even CLERC's own therapist was to work on a safety plan and speak to the children ...

click to display text from daughter "MOM's scaring me"

To summarize my agenda :

Access Denial :

- I reminded the court the mother stood in front of the Justice and said she would do anything including drive the children into the city to see their father, then about 24hours later tried to deny me access to see the children before christmas.

- I discovered the children were in a school christmas musical, on Jan 7th the mother replied 'yeah that was the night you were faxing Justice C.K. crying for help'.

- On Feb 17th, 2011 I requested to pickup the children Friday Feb 25th after school ( that's what the court order says ) , the mother said NO its 6PM , exchanging emails I reminded her it says 'pickup after school', the mother said 'i will get back to you on the time',  turns out the children had the whole week off from school , my 12 yr old looked after my 9 and 7 year old.



- my daughter text me 'Dad, Mom is scaring me and I want you to come pick me up' , I asked her if she would feel safe going to her bedroom and she said  NO!

- my youngest two daughters also told me that their mother tells them ' IF YOU DONT LIKE IT HERE GET OUT ',  they were crying while they told me this.

- I also brought to the court's attention my youngest daughter has been told she cant call friends she grew up with the community I still live.



-  I presented the judge with a copy of my oldest daughters report card, she was registered under her mothers name ... not her given hyphenated name she was born with.  I added I had called the school and they confirmed they knew my daughter as the incorrect name, a name shorter than my other daughters printed on same form - so i know it fits on the form.

- I presented the judge with art for public display that my middle daughter was signing her name name also under her mother's maiden name, not her given name.