Statistics Canada Data 2006 - Child Living with lone Female vs. lone Male

The data presented on this page was extracted from Statistics Canada 2006 Census data showing children living with lone Female vs. lone Males by province regardless of their martial status ( divorced, previously common law etc) .  This data is summarized in the following table for all census cases counted in Canada 2006 :

*see Statistics Canada data at following link though the government may update it at any time


Graph #1

This graph shows the % of lone Female vs Males with children by province. The #of children living in a home is ignored. The provinces are all normalized to a %percentage so they can be compared to other provinces. The graph shows Females on average are favored at about 80%.

Graph #2

This graph is similar to Graph #1 , however it depicts the % of lone Female vs. Males with children by province when the number of children in the home is three (3) or more.  This graph shows that Males decline while Females on average get roughly 85% custody of 3 or more children and peak at over 90% in PEI. Note that the Yukon only had 170 parents counted reporting this situation where as Ontario had close to 60,000.


Graph #3

This graph shows the census counts , it more clearly indicates the number of Females vs. Males population distribution by province, Ontario had over 450,000 lone Females/Males combined with children while PEI and northwest regions of Canada have very few census case counts which is consistent with these being low population areas.

Graph #4

This graph shows the proportion of children that either live with a lone Female or Male.



These graphs show that females have children living with them of magnitude 80 to 90% of the time compared to males . It also indicates that when there are multiple children the Male's chances of multiple children living with him declines by up to 10%.

These numbers are some what inline with my personal findings , though even 10% custody for males I find high for Calgary .  All I can say is SHAME CANADA !